This download-only product contains the AmiTCP stack for classic Amiga systems, drivers for all X-Surf networking cards (10MBit and 100MBit models), an easy-to-use installer and a GUI for handling the most common networking cases. Includes a DHCP client, so setting IP addresses and/or standard routing addresses is not required for standard home routers such as FritzBox and similar products.
This disk is already included with the X-Surf-500 card. If you have already purchased that, there is no need to buy it again.
This disk may also be interesting for people who are using a PCMCIA networking card; it is easy to add (or replace) sana2-devices and make use of the GUI with other networking cards, just by putting the device driver in the right directory of the install disk.
Owners of the ACA500 should place their order for an X-Surf-500 with a member account in order to get access to the AmiTCP Installation disk through the shop site. Registering on is free of charge.