Influencer policy

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You're an influencer? Thanks for showing interest in our products! We would really appreciate if you let your followers on X/Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Mastodon, Facebook, Bluesky or any other (social) media platform know what you think about our products. However, it would be better if you don't even tell us that you're an influencer. We have established a strict policy in 1999: Journalists are treated exactly the same way as every other customer. That means: No free items, no sponsoring, and back when magazines were a thing, we would NOT place an ad in an issue if a product review would be in it (this was established two years later, though).

Why, you might ask? iComp had been accused of "buying" good magazine reviews with the full-page ads that we had regularly placed in many Amiga magazines (the C64 wave wasn't rolling yet by then). That was back when we could still make money on Amiga products, but that has changed, and Jens Schönfeld is subsidizing the business with his private money since 2020.

To make sure that you're really getting a unit from mass-production (not anything rigged/selected), you should order in our shop, ideally through a friend or at least with a different eMail address, so nobody within iComp has any idea that the item is going to be publicly reviewed. This will enable you to not only review the product itself, but also the service we provide: Speed of shipment, accuracy of product description, the support forum and documentation in our Wiki. All while staying totally anonymous and experiencing exactly what regular customers would experience.

Since you have a 14-day right of revocation, the only cost involved would be return shipping. Also, we're happy to extend the right of revocation if you need more time for a proper review. To keep things consistent, don't tell us about the review until it's really out - we'll accept a revocation within six weeks from anyone who has done a review for an audience of 100 or more people (views or subscribers, whatever suits you).

This policy has been very successful in the past, as not a single dishonest review is out there. There is no incentive for any influencer to give a (too) good review because we've told her/him what to write - you purely judge based on the product and the service itself, having the amount of money in the back of your head that it would take to keep it. Too many "reviews" are truly "just paid" these days, and that doesn't help the consumer. Your job as an influencer is not to serve vendors who are giving you free stuff. Instead, you should serve your viewers/followers with an honest opinion - based on facts, not gifts.

Feel free to link to this page from your review.

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