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ACA1220 is an accelerator for the A1200 computer.



ACA1220 cards are based on the Motorola 68020 processor (the PGA version). These processors are used and may show scratches and dents. All processors are completely tested prior to installation on an accelerator, and all processors are guaranteed to work at the speed that's printed on them. Individual Computers does not sell ACA1220 boards with overclocked processors. Different versions are available depending on CPU availability:

  • 68020 clocked at 16,667MHz (ACA1220-16)
  • 68020 clocked at 20MHz (ACA1220-20)
  • 68020 clocked at 25MHz (ACA1220-25)
  • 68020 clocked at 33MHz (ACA1220-33)


All ACA1220 cards come with 128MBytes fastmem pre-installed. For OS3.0 users, these cards have 1MByte autoconfiguring memory only. ACAtune will add 126MBytes of memory to the system manually on start-up. For Kickstart version 3.1 or higher, the memory is detected and added automatically by the OS. Please note that the special memory organization of the ACA1220 always reserves 1MByte for the Fastrom option. This resereved memory area cannot be used as normal fastmem. Since the Z2 memory area remains unused, the cards are 100% PCMCIA compatible.

available ACAtune options

ACA1220 only supports a very limited number of ACAtune options. Tuning options like Z2 options, fastchip and cacheing of areas that should not be cached under normal conditions have been removed for stability reasons. All access speeds have been optimized for the highest possible safe speeds.


ACA1220 and ACA1232 share the same board, and they are very similar (if not identical) in handling. They therefore share the same instruction sheet. Every card comes with one German and one English instruction sheet. You may also get a translation from your reseller in your local language.

English instruction sheet

German instruction sheet

ACA 12xx Benchmarks

Benchmarks are measured with AIBB and the popular Sysinfo tool. While AIBB gives detailed information about the performance in specialized cases, Sysinfo will only give you a rough estimation of the performance you can get. We recommend to download the AIBB modules and compare the specific test results against your machine - this will give you much more information about a certain strength or weakness of the card you're comparing. Fastmem performance is measured with the freely available tool "Bustest". Only the "read multiple" and "write multiple" values are given here. Results may vary due to cache alignment differencies. Starting with the ACA1234, Bustest version 0.19 was used - the previous version was obviously too generous for some tests; take older measurements with a grain of salt.

Product name Sysinfo Dhrystones AIBB module download Fastmem included Fastmem performance r/w Chipmem performance r/w MMU comment
ACA1220-16 3320 media:AIBB_ACA1220-16.LHA 128 MByte 11.8 / 17.7 MB/s 4.2 / 4.5 MB/s no discontinued per apr-2014
ACA1220-20 3998 media:AIBB_ACA1220-20.LHA 128 MByte 14.2 / 21.3 MB/s 4.7 / 5.1 MB/s no
ACA1220-25 4266 media:AIBB_ACA1220-25.LHA 128 MByte 17.6 / 21.4 MB/s 6.1 / 7.0 MB/s no
ACA1220-33 5712 media:AIBB_ACA1220-33.LHA 128 MByte 23.6 / 28.8 MB/s 6.3 / 7.0 MB/s no
ACA1220-40 6867 (n/a) 128 MByte 28.3 / 34.5 MB/s 6.4 / 7.0 MB/s no not officially sold (overclocked)
ACA1232-20 4553 (n/a) 128 MByte 13.3 / 21.3 MB/s (not tested) yes
ACA1232-25ec 5708 media:AIBB_ACA1232-25.LHA 128 MByte 16.6 / 26.7 MB/s (not tested) no
ACA1232-25 5708 media:AIBB_ACA1232-25.LHA 128 MByte 16.6 / 26.7 MB/s (not tested) yes
ACA1232-33 7529 media:AIBB_ACA1232-33.LHA 128 MByte 22.2 / 35.7 MB/s 6.2 / 7.0 MB/s yes
ACA1232-40ec 9045 media:AIBB_ACA1232-40.LHA 128 MByte 26.7 / 42.9 MB/s 6.4 / 7.0 MB/s no
ACA1232-40 9045 media:AIBB_ACA1232-40.LHA 128 MByte 26.7 / 42.9 MB/s 6.4 / 7.0 MB/s yes
ACA1233-40 9045 media:AIBB_ACA1232-40.LHA 128 MByte 26.7 / 42.9 MB/s 6.4 / 7.0 MB/s yes
ACA1232-50 10576 media:AIBB_ACA1232-50.lha 128 MByte 29.3 / 43.6 MB/s 6.4 / 7.1 MB/s yes limited edition, starting mid-November 2015
ACA1233-55 11747 media:AIBB_ACA1233-55.lha 128 MByte 32.6 / 48.4 MB/s 6.4 / 7.1 MB/s yes limited edition, starting mid-November 2015
ACA1221-9.46 1878 media:AIBB_ACA1221-9.lha 9-63 MByte 6.7 / 10.1 MB/s 3.4 / 3.9 MB/s no under-clocked
ACA1221-17.03 3408 media:AIBB_ACA1221-17.lha 9-63 MByte 12.1 / 18.4 MB/s 4.8 / 5.4 MB/s no
ACA1221-21.28 4266 media:AIBB_ACA1221-21.lha 9-63 MByte 15.2 / 23.0 MB/s 6.1 / 6.9 MB/s no overclock option 5,- EUR
ACA1221-28.38 4914 media:AIBB_ACA1221-28.lha 9-63 MByte 20.2 / 30.7 MB/s 6.2 / 7.1 MB/s no overclock option 15,- EUR
ACA1221EC-42.56 6401 (TBD) 9+1+6 MByte 25.8 / 37.1 MB/s 6.4 / 7.0 MB/s no overclocked
ACA1221EC-21.28 4279 (TBD) 9+1+6 MByte 15.2 / 23.1 MB/s 6.1 / 6.9 MB/s no
ACA1221EC-28.38 4926 (TBD) 9+1+6 MByte 20.3 / 30.7 MB/s 6.2 / 7.1 MB/s no
ACA1221EC-17.03 3416 (TBD) 9+1+6 MByte 12.2 / 18.4 MB/s 4.3 / 4.8 MB/s no
ACA1233n-26.67 6031 media:AIBB_ACA1233n26.lha 128 MByte 19.2 / 38.2 MB/s 6.1 / 7.1 MB/s yes
ACA1233n-40 9203 media:AIBB_ACA1233n40.lha 128 MByte 28.8 / 57.4 MB/s 6.4 / 7.1 MB/s yes
ACA1233n-55 11763 (TBD) 128 MByte 35.2 / 50.2 MB/s 6.4 / 7.1 MB/s yes includes A1200 IDE accel
ACA1221LC-20 4015 (TBD) 11.2 MByte 14.4 / 21.7 MB/s 5.9 / 6.9 MB/s no includes A1200 IDE accel, starting dec-2019
ACA1221LC-26 5365 (TBD) 11.2 MByte 19.2 / 29.0 MB/s 6.1 / 7.1 MB/s no includes A1200 IDE accel, starting dec-2019
ACA1221LC-40 7430 (TBD) 11.2 MByte 26.4 / 43.4 MB/s 6.3 / 7.1 MB/s no overclocked, not guaranteed
ACA1234-25 5735 media:AIBB_ACA1234.lha 128 MByte 15.9 / 35.4 MB/s 6.2 / 7.0 MB/s yes
ACA1234-33 7583 media:AIBB_ACA1234.lha 128 MByte 21.0 / 47.3 MB/s 6.3 / 7.0 MB/s yes
ACA1234-40 9193 media:AIBB_ACA1234.lha 128 MByte 25.5 / 58.0 MB/s 6.3 / 7.0 MB/s yes
ACA1234-50 10579 media:AIBB_ACA1234.lha 128 MByte 29.4 / 54.8 MB/s 6.3 / 7.0 MB/s yes



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